Light for children

We make wishes come true

Licht für Kinder is a non-profit organization and has set itself the task of supporting children with disabilities in order to fulfill the wishes of sick, disabled and disadvantaged children.

Wishes are children’s dreams. Starting with practical things such as a walking and standing aid, a therapy bike or supported communication for non-verbal children, through wheelchair-accessible modifications for the bathroom or car, to therapeutic measures. All this and much more is what the children want.

The mission of Light for Children is to help families with children with disabilities and illnesses to give their children the best possible support, help them develop and improve their quality of life. Unexpected life circumstances can occur regardless of one’s own financial and social situation. We give new confidence and courage to face life in order to finance therapies or medical aids that are not or only partially covered by Austrian health insurance companies.

With the help of donations, it is possible to provide the children with the best possible care. Every child has the right to be supported to the best of his/her ability. Together with the parents, the attending doctor and/or the therapist, we decide which individual needs are important and appropriate for improving the quality of life.

True to the motto: We make wishes come true

About the Engagement

The Dr. Otto and Margarete Graber Foundation supports the provision of therapeutic aids and therapies for children with special needs.