“If I can, I want to die at home…”
Palliahome e. V. was founded in 2012 with the aim of setting up an SAPV team to provide better medical care for dying people with severe symptoms in the district of Weilheim-Schongau and the southern district of Starnberg, both at home and in care facilities. Our SAPV team now consists of six palliative care doctors and seven palliative care nurses, as well as an office assistant.
Every year, we care for over 300 patients in 39 local communities in their own homes in close cooperation with GPs and care services. If necessary, our doctors also care for patients in the inpatient hospice in Polling. As an SAPV team, the GPs usually get us involved if the previous outpatient care is no longer sufficient.
Our work focuses on alleviating the stressful symptoms of the illness. We visit patients at home and, in collaboration with the services involved, draw up medication plans and courses of action so that hospitalization at the end of life can be avoided.
This also includes establishing a network. The patient’s wishes are at the center of everything we do. Maintaining, promoting, and improving their quality of life while retaining their self-determination and within the scope of their individual possibilities is always our top priority. We are available around the clock for our patients and their social environment.
Palliative medicine and palliative care refer to the comprehensive medical, nursing, and psychosocial care of people with incurable diseases and limited life expectancy. The aim is quality of life and not life expectancy – qualified and comprehensive symptom control should enable palliative patients to live as self-determined a life as possible until death. Spiritual guidance and psychosocial support are essential here.
Care provided by an SAPV team is a service provided by health insurance companies if medically indicated. In order to be able to fulfill our care mandate in the Weilheim-Schongau district and the southern district of Starnberg satisfactorily, we are dependent on additional financial support, as the health insurance companies do not cover 100% of the costs incurred.
If you are interested in our work or have any questions, please contact our office on 0881-9270 1630 or write to us at info@palliahome.de or visit our homepage at www.palliahome.de.
About the Engagement
The Palliahome e.V. vehicle fleet has been converted with the help of the Dr. Otto and Margarete Graber Foundation. This will ensure that the SAPV team can continue to travel safely and reliably to patients in the future. The association from Polling reaches around 300 people a year who want palliative care in their familiar surroundings.