The original documentary about the life of a settler family of German origin in the depths of the Missiones jungle in Argentina is completely changed by the suicide of the protagonist. The director Guillermina Chiariglione Daniele decides to embark on an alchemical journey. She explores the desire to die, the desire to live, and the questioning of that what we cannot understand.
About Guillermina Chiariglione Daniele
She studied film editing at the ENERC and later completed a master’s degree in film directing in Spain with Miguel Littin and Humberto Solás, among others. She participated in Interaction Serbia 2022 and Talents Bs As 2021, as well as several productions for Lumière magazine (Spain). She attended seminars with José Luis Guerin, Harun Farocki, James Benning, Román Gubern. She directed ‘Me.Moria’ (2023), which won international awards for best documentary; ‘El Creador’, which participated in Arché Doclisboa, Fidba, Docmontevideo and Walden; ‘El Paraíso’, which participated in the screenwriting lab of the Festival da Fronteira du Sur 2024 with Lucrecia Martel. She also directed several other documentaries and fiction films that participated in prestigious festivals.
About the Engagement
The Dr. Otto and Margarete Graber Foundation is supporting the completion of the documentary film “El Creador” and its distribution at international film festivals.